I keep forgetting that I, sometime in the past, decided that keeping a blog was a good idea, and then as I finish goofing off on Facebook or more and more lately Reddit the thought of updating said blog flits through my mind only to be dismissed as I decided that one more cute kitten picture wouldn't hurt. We all know how that goes; one picture turns into five hours of browsing countless pictures of kittens, but no more. I shall update daily, okay seriously who am I lying to, weekly at least or whenever the fancy hits me. Last time it hit me it was April no we are in July hopefully it won't take another two months before I'm back. Catch up time- T-Mobile closed the center I worked for at the end of June, since then I've been looking for a job, mostly, went on vacation to Las Vegas, helped throw my baby sister a baby shower, and gained back sixteen of the twenty pounds I had lost between February and April.
But I'm feeling a tad better, I haven't ripped anything out lately. That could be because I haven't knit much lately, started a scarf with some Sashay yarn, a baby blanket for said sis, and that's about it. Neither of those two has more than six inches done on them so .... yeah.
I am officially right now decided that I need to go back to eating healthy and start the weight loss journey once again. I'm starting tomorrow mostly cuz today has pretty much gone to shit. So, I'll be back tomorrow. Pink promise.