Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Heart to Heart

Title: Heart to Heart ( 하트 투 하트)
Network: TVN
Episodes: 16
Starring:  Choi Gang-Hee, Chun Jung-Myung, Lee Jae-Yoon
Aired: January 9 - February 28, 2015

I watched the first episode of Heart to Heart and absolutely hated it.  I hated the lead actor, I hated the second lead, I hated the lead actress and her awkwardness.  There was nothing I like about the first episode, but I watched the second one and then the third one and before I knew it I was staying up way past my bedtime to watch just one more episode.  The problem is that I can't pinpoint exactly when the transition from hating every aspect of this drama to being completely engrossed in it took place.
The thing with Heart to Heart is that fact that all the characters are so beautifully flawed and broken.  They got under my skin.  After the credits of the last episode, I wanted to start again.  Even wanted to watch that miserable first episode again.
The story revolves around Chang Hong-Do a social awkward woman with social anxiety that manifests itself with uncontrollable blushing.  It is so bad that she can only go out in public wearing a helmet or dressed as an old woman.  She was to be cured from her ailment so that she can talk to and confess to the guy she likes.
In order to do so she seeks the help of Ko Yi-Seok, a famous therapist who is barely keeping it together by a very frail string.  Together they help each other and in the process they fall in love.
When Hong-Do is with Yi-Seok she can communicate clearly and her social anxiety tends to disappear even without her helmet on.  And when Yi-Seok  is in the same room with Hong-Do, he can actually consult with his patients without resorting to alcohol.
Heart to Heart has become one of my favorite dramas just to the sheer fact that it is completely different than most dramas out there now.

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