Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Flower Boy Next Door - The Most Perfect Imperfect Drama - The Bad


*Disclaimer: My view of this drama may be slightly skewed due to my long standing infatuation with Park Shin Hye and my new found gay girl crush on Yoon Shi Yoon.

They're adorable, right??

    A couple of weeks ago I mentioned that I love all dramas equally, well that was all right lie because truth be told I love Flower Boy Next Door(FBND) more than all the rest.  At the time I wrote that post, this one, I already had twinges of favoritism toward FBND, but I tried to ignore it because I was afraid of being disappointed.  But now that the drama is over, I can honestly say that I was not disappointed and I enjoyed every single one of the sixteen episodes.  They each added to the overall drama and showcased the growth of the characters.  Now, I’m not say that this was the perfect drama, came close though, but it was a damn good one.  

There being no such thing as perfect FBND did have a couple of flaws.  Such as Do Hwi, the whole issue with who the owner of the building was, and the stalker panda hat girl/fanclub losers.

I never really gave a rat's ass about the whole building issue or who the owner was.  I must admit that I kinda thought it was the security guard because he was just a little too involved in the what happened in the building with the demonstration and what not.  I think I would have preferred if they fleshed out the relationship between the security guard and the older lady rather than spend any time with the mystery of the owner.

Although, I do see the importance of having Do Hwi as a character, she is the key to explaining why Dok Mi hides herself away, I think the last we should of seen of her is when she tried to hurt Dok Mi by inviting the scumbag teacher to her party.  Since then she's just been wasting airtime that could have been taken up by one of my favorite side characters, Kim Seul-gi the webtoon editor.

The other waste of time and space was the whole panda hat girl stalker, fan club idiots.  They truly served no purpose other than to give me a minute to go refill my water bottle.  They just were not needed.  I was kinda okay with the older stalker lady mostly because that developed into something that kinda sorta dealt with Enrique's work the game addiction angle, but the panda hat girl should have maybe had one appearance and that is stretching it.  It was just not needed.  Dok Mi had enough issues with Enrique leaving or even being able to ask him to stay without added the outside interference. 

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