Monday, February 11, 2013

Giant Pink Scarf and My Dramathon Obsession

I am slowly starting to knit again after many months of being unable to pick up the knitting needles.  Even holding needles for a couple of minutes would make my hands ache, so I put away all my projects and let my hands rest.  Now, almost four months later, I've picked up the needles again and am able to knit a few rows before my hands become numb and the pain creeps through my fingers.  Little by little I'm working on a giant pink scarf with huge needles hoping that I can finish a project that should take a couple of hours in a few weeks and hoping that by then I will be able to knit comfortably for longer stretches of time. 

This inability to do that which I love most is the reason I've gotten back to marathoning dramas and Korean movies. One after another I've consumed them to keep my mind off the fact that I'm emotionally ready to knit but physically every stitch is painful.  In the last couple of weeks I've watched  six movies and finished nineteen dramas.  Yes, 19.  I like to watch dramas much the same way I like to watch Doctor Who I like to consume them all in one sitting one episode after another until I get to the final episode which gives me a great sense of accomplishment much the same way casting off the final stitch of a knit project gives me this sense of accomplishment, a sense that all those hours were not in vain.

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